ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?


ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well considering my memories go back to a little under the age of two it’s not everyone.

It depends on the person.

I remember my first friend being killed in a first generation yellow Honda civic.

I still remember him.

I remember the big blue Oldsmobile that replaced the Honda at his house.

It’s fostered a lifelong dislike of Hondas it happened just shy of my 3rd birthday, I still remember being angry with him as I had no concept of death. I’ve never liked my birthday as far as I can remember.

I remember the day a year past when he was killed his mother trying to kill his father with a silver 1981 Plymouth Reliant I was a bit shy of four.

I remember the pain of an infection from when I was three I still have the scars so there is a reminder.

Why? well I haven’t a clue.

My best stab in the dark guess is that our strongest memories involve pain and fear and most people aren’t in much pain at that point in their lives. I convinced myself I chose not to forget but I really don’t know.

Interestingly I recently talked to his father due to a random encounter. I was picking my mother up from physio and they recognized each other. He was surprised I still remembered his sons face. I have no photo so that’s not the source and I haven’t seen his family since I was very small.

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ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well considering my memories go back to a little under the age of two it’s not everyone.

It depends on the person.

I remember my first friend being killed in a first generation yellow Honda civic.

I still remember him.

I remember the big blue Oldsmobile that replaced the Honda at his house.

It’s fostered a lifelong dislike of Hondas it happened just shy of my 3rd birthday, I still remember being angry with him as I had no concept of death. I’ve never liked my birthday as far as I can remember.

I remember the day a year past when he was killed his mother trying to kill his father with a silver 1981 Plymouth Reliant I was a bit shy of four.

I remember the pain of an infection from when I was three I still have the scars so there is a reminder.

Why? well I haven’t a clue.

My best stab in the dark guess is that our strongest memories involve pain and fear and most people aren’t in much pain at that point in their lives. I convinced myself I chose not to forget but I really don’t know.

Interestingly I recently talked to his father due to a random encounter. I was picking my mother up from physio and they recognized each other. He was surprised I still remembered his sons face. I have no photo so that’s not the source and I haven’t seen his family since I was very small.

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