ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?


ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is highly specific to the person you’re asking, since memory is different from person to person, but the short answer is, there are lots of different ideas, but no one knows for sure. Some scientists think it’s because our brains develop so fast when we’re young that the part that makes memories doesn’t fully work that early.

Speaking of memories in the first four years of life, I have two very distinct memories from three years old, I know this because they were both from when my mom and dad were still together, and they divorced when I was three. I also have plenty from age four on.

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ELi5 Why we don’t remember our first four years since birth?

In: 3

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is highly specific to the person you’re asking, since memory is different from person to person, but the short answer is, there are lots of different ideas, but no one knows for sure. Some scientists think it’s because our brains develop so fast when we’re young that the part that makes memories doesn’t fully work that early.

Speaking of memories in the first four years of life, I have two very distinct memories from three years old, I know this because they were both from when my mom and dad were still together, and they divorced when I was three. I also have plenty from age four on.

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