eli5: Why were dinosaurs discovered so late? Really no one before the 19th century came across with one fossil?


It really baffles me that non of the great minds before that period knew they existed

In: Biology

6 Answers

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They did in the ancient world find fossils of things they had no way to explain. Similar to how people thought elephant skulls were evidence of cyclopes.

“Although the griffin might seem like a creature conjured from the imagination of mankind, there might actually be some truth to this creature. One theory suggests that the griffin was brought to Europe by traders travelling along the Silk Road from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. In this desert, the fossils of a dinosaur called the Protoceratops can be found. As these bones, especially the skull, which has a bird-like beak, were exposed on the desert floor, ancient observers may have interpreted them as proof that such a hybrid creature once lived in the desert. Yet, it has been shown that stories of the griffin have been around even before the Silk Road was developed. Perhaps it was stories about the griffin that made the traders interpret the fossils of the Protoceratops as that of the legendary creature.”

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