eli5: Why Weren’t European Colonizers As Impacted By New World Diseases as The Natives were by European Diseases?


eli5: Why Weren’t European Colonizers As Impacted By New World Diseases as The Natives were by European Diseases?

In: Biology

13 Answers

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There is a possible explanation Europeans were already affected by similarly catastrophic bugs, [just way earlier](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07673-7). Europe had larger settlements that were (possibly) wiped out/destroyed by plague, and (possibly) affecting settlement patterns in the region as people from the steppes moved in. *Y. pestis* beta version craters the population and strangers from elsewhere come in and see “Oooh, nice open land…”

Had the Native Americans been able to sail across the ocean during those times, what would they have found?

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