eli5: Wordle-bot


“XXXXX would be a better guess” suggesting a word that does NOT contain the letters I’ve already guessed correctly?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes indeed.

The goal of a guess is to eliminate as many possible wrong answers and leave only a correct answer that you can choose on the next go.

Say for example you get really lucky on the first guess and get 4 out of 5 characters. However say there are still 8 possible words. Option 1 is to make guesses using those correct letters eliminating one character at a time and hope you get lucky. Option 2 is to find a different word that uses several characters and eliminate multiple wrong answers in one go. Reusing a known letter gives up the chance to get extra information.

Now if your goal is to get the answer in as few guesses as possible for street cred, at the expense of being less likely to solve the puzzle at all, then it makes sense to only use the correct letters. This is also called hard mode if you have to use letters you already got correct.

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