ELi5: Would the emissions from a hybrid vehicle and a conventional vehicle be the same if they get the same MPG?


Sorry if this is an exceptionally stupid question but I hope I’m in good company. If a hybrid vehicle gets 35 mpg, and there’s a comparable non-hybrid vehicle that also gets 35 mpg, do they effectively end up putting out the same amount of emissions? Or does it not really matter what the mpg is and there’s more to it? Thanks so much!

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6 Answers

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The tailpipe emissions would be the same only if driving conditions do not change.
the hybrid vehicle will produce less emissions out the tailpipe if it goes downhill, or if it switches over to electric for a while. during braking, regenerative braking recharges the battery and reduces emissions.
You need to look at the bigger picture. producing a hybrid car requires more materials, more manufacturing, more rare earths, more exotic materials such as lithium for the batteries. Most raw materials require lakes of diesel fuel to mine and refine. lithium is just awful to produce. Recycling of or disposing of a hybrid car is more energy intensive than a regular car. the cost of the hybrid is higher, which means that you have to work harder/longer to afford it, which increases your carbon footprint.

You cannot simply compare MPG on the sticker at the dealership. The MPG figure is only the tip of the iceburg.

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