Eli5- WW84: Wouldn’t radar still be able to detect an invisible jet


Spoiler for WW84! In the movie, WW turns a jet invisible which causes the radar to lose its signal. I’m no scientist, but I would think radar would still pick up an invisible aircraft. Since the aircraft is only invisible to the naked eye, radar would still bounce off the aircraft revealing its position. I’m perfectly fine accepting the explanation that this was done just for a good scene. I just want to make sure I’m not an idiot.

In: Other

10 Answers

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Radio waves and visible light are both made up of electromagnetic radiation. The difference is in the frequency of that radiation. We can only see a narrow band of frequencies that we call visible light. For anything else we need to special equipment. Radar uses radiowaves to be able to “see” very far solid objects, because its really good at bouncing off things.

For something to be invisible to radar and the eye, both radiowaves and visible light would have to pass straight through it.

I don’t think I’ve ever considered whether something invisible would be so for all parts of the EM spectrum! Could you detect the invisible man’s heat signature in infrared? What about ultraviolet?

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