ELI5_ 5G / Frequencies / Spectrum


I just don’t get it… it’s supposed to be waves right? Of different length? Then how come the governments are offering different ranges but they are all still 5G?
Please help…

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine Radio waves as colours. You have many different colours, and you can see the difference between them.

5G is specified as using all the different shades of blue. You can’t have all operators use the same colour, because then how would you know who it belongs to?

So what the government does is sell a specific shade of blue (let’s say navy) to Operator A. Operator A can now use navy without having to fear getting their signals mixed up with the teal-coloured signals from Operator B.

ELI am older than 5:
5G is just the standard on _how_ the information gets sent. The exact frequency is not relevant. So in order to protect against interference every tower/operator uses a frequency slightly offset from 5GHz

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