Eli5:how car engine transform gas energy to the energy make wheels roll?

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Eli5:how car engine transform gas energy to the energy make wheels roll?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the gas in the engine explodes it pushes a piston down. The piston that moves down has a handle on it, and the handle is on a hinge, that allows the handle to wobble. The end of the wobbly handle is attached to a rod that is zig-zagged like a lightning bolt. So, when the piston pushes the wobbly handle, and the wobbly handle pushes on a zig-zag, the rod starts spinning. (There are usually 4 or more pistons and handles attached to the zig-zag rod)

That spinning rod is attached to your axle by gears, and the wheels are on the end of the axle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simplified answer with an internal combustion engine, the spark/glow plugs ignite the fuel causing a small explosion, which pushes the pistons, piston then drive the next part and down the chain it goes, passing through drive shafts etc to the axles, in turn making the wheels turn

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ultimately the chemical energy is converted into connecticut energy by exploding it.  Gasoline and oxygen are mixed in a cylinder and then ignited, which causes an explosion which pushes the cylinder.  That push in pushes an axle and helps turn it. And then that axle turns the wheels of the car.