eli5:How did the mafia rackets work?


I get how some of them worked, so I am more so asking about, using examples from TV shows and movies, skimming a casino or “busting out” a business? How did they use the unions and construction businesses to make money, other than the traditional, non-mafia, way?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you don’t pay the construction unions the mafia controls, you don’t get your project built.

To hire those unions, you have to pay more than you would if the mafia wasn’t involved. For instance, windows might cost $100 per, but to get the mafia to let you build, you had to pay $500 for them.

Then the mafia made sure that no other unions could exist, or more likely took over the leadership of the unions (“making” existing leadership “disappear” if necessary).

P.S. And then you had the old dependable ways of making illegal money i.e. loansharking, gambling, drugs, prostitution etc.

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