eli5:How did the mafia rackets work?


I get how some of them worked, so I am more so asking about, using examples from TV shows and movies, skimming a casino or “busting out” a business? How did they use the unions and construction businesses to make money, other than the traditional, non-mafia, way?

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6 Answers

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One of the big things back in the day was demanding payment for protection. Basically any business, like dry cleaners, pizza parlor, deli, etc would have to pay the mafia money every week or month. If they didn’t pay they would send people in to damage things in the store, beat up the owners etc.

The construction stuff I think was just all around corruption. City would award a contract for a project and there were always extra people brought on. All they essentially had to do was “lean on a shovel” to collect a paycheck.

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