Eli5:How do things get to Earth’s orbit?


I have some basic knowledge in physics (at least I think so) and know why objects on the orbit don’t fall down to Earth.My question is how the objects (meteor debris etc) got there.Aren’t they supposed to have the exact speed and trajectory? Did all of them manage to fit in these conditions?
Sorry for possible mistakes, English isn’t my first language

In: Physics

5 Answers

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First, do not confuse natural objects orbiting with man-made objects out there intentionally.

A satellite or space craft does need to be maintaining a specific speed to continue to orbit. Accelerating, it will attain a higher orbit, and actually slow relative to the ground, if they lose orbit, they can destabilize and fall to earth.

Natural objects in stable orbit are actually rare, if there even are any in earth orbit (other than the moon). Since they do not have a specific orbit, they are unstable and lose orbit. The meteors you see, did not “lose” orbit, they just never were in Earth orbit, just happened to get too close to Earth.

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