[ELI5]How do we move relative to a bus when we jump in one?


[ELI5]How do we move relative to a bus when we jump in one?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wrong question. You don’t when it’s moving at a constant velocity.

When the bus is ***accelerating*** is when you move relative to it.

And for that, you don’t have to jump. A hard pick up will slide your ass back or a hard braking will smash your face forward even when you’re sitting down. Why?

Newton’s first law: it doesn’t take anything to keep you at a constant speed, be it 0 mph or 10,000 mph.

But to change it, **force** is required.

The force the Earth puts on the tyre, the tyre on the axle, the axle on the frame, the frame on the floor, the floor/seat on your feet/butt and your feet/butt on the rest of you.

And if it doesn’t, you go flying through the windshield.

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