Eli5:What does energy drink do to our body?


How energy drinks affect our body.
What happens if an individual drink energy everyday?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Energy drinks contain Taurine and Caffeine. These chemicals cause your body to make adrenaline, a powerful hormone that causes one to feel more alert. Naturally occurring, adrenaline is released when one is in danger.

The human body has a lot of “demand based” production systems. One example would be breast milk, the more demand is placed on the milk production system, the more milk is produced. This is how a single woman can produce enough milk for one baby or twins if she is so blessed. Another example is hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is what allows us to use the oxygen we breath. If we go from sea level to the top of a very high mountain there will be less oxygen available for us to breath. This will leave you feeling listless and tired and short of breath. However, based on the need for more oxygen, your body will produce more hemoglobin, thus making more efficient use of the available oxygen.

Ok, so what does this mean for energy drinks.? By artificially stimulating one’s adrenal gland it’s possible that they are increasing the required stimulation for their body to create adrenaline. This would mean, in effect, that without some artificial stimulation they would always feel sleepy and lethargic. Essentially they become dependent on caffeine, they are addicted.

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