Eli5:What happens in the brain when you finally understand something?


Let’s say you are stuggling to understand a math concept for a while and suddendly you get it. What mechanism caused it?

In: 89

21 Answers

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Your brain is composed of a vast network or neurons. These neurons are constantly changing and making new connections. It’s how we form all cognitive functions. As we learn, those neurons become systems that are linking together to create relational networks that provide context. When something “makes sense” It’s because we have formed enough connections to provide contextual assumptions.

What gets tricky is just because we have those connections in our brains, it doesn’t mean that it’s factual or true. Its why our memories are faulty. Its why as children we are very susceptible to new information. It’s only when new experiences or knowledge challenges those perceptions, or when those connections that are no longer utilized, that we break or form new connections in our brains.

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