eli5:What is a wave in physics?


I know this seems like something that is easily googlable and that this is a dumb question but I couldn’t find anything that explained it well enough for me to understand. I saw that photons are just comprised of waves but what are these waves made of? Are they physical? How can we see waves in the form of light if they are very small?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Waves are like lining up a bunch of your cousins shoulder to should and shoving the one on the end.
* That shove will cause the first cousin to push into the second cousin.
* This continues all the way down the line.
* The energy moving from one cousin to the next is a wave.
* Now say you have a neighbor friend who is a bit creepy and has a thing for that first cousin of yours in line.
* Every 100th of a second she writes down how far to the side that cousin was pushed.
* If you took all the measurements she wrote down and plotted them on a graph you would see that typical curving line that goes back and forth.
* This is a wave graph but we often times call that graph a wave as well as a shorthand.
* It turns out that a lot of things in our world behave this way.
* If you disturb them from their normal place, they not only have a tendency to disturb their neighbors, but they also tend to swing back the other way and eventually settle down back to their original position.

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