Eli5:Whats the science behind radio jamming and what does that have to do with frequencies ?


Eli5:Whats the science behind radio jamming and what does that have to do with frequencies ?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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If you know the frequency of the receiving radio you can tune your jammer to that frequency and dump a bunch of power to raise the noise level above the “signal” ratio.

This will either cause the receiving radio to not hear anything at all or hear music or noise.

In the case of GPS jamming they put noise on the same frequency that your GPS receivers use. This causes you to lose connection to the weak satellites and effects what ever gps device your using from not working. Everything from credit card readers to your navigation uses GPS.

A couple points to remember. You can’t “jam” a jammer. You can crank the power up higher of the transmitting radio to overcome the jammer or you have to physically turn the jammer off either with bombs in war time or in the case of protected radio frequencies , by getting the government involved.

In real life it’s harder to jam things because most radios will ignore the jamming signal because the modulation, encryption or the squelch doesn’t match. If the jamming signal is wide and powerful enough it will just cause the radios to go silent.

But this takes a lot of energy and these are easy to identify and locate.

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