eli5:Why do games that are larger take longer to download when there are 2 gbs left than a game that is 2 gbs?


eli5:Why do games that are larger take longer to download when there are 2 gbs left than a game that is 2 gbs?

In: Technology

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never personally noticed this, but there is a possible reason, which unfortunately is a human error as opposed to anything to do with the download itself. on a hard drive, a needle has to physically move over the disc inside to read or write data. normally programs are set up in contiguous blocks so that needle can just run over the blocks to read or write, which greatly decreases the time it takes by cutting it travel time. it’s possible that those last 2gb of data are part of a separate patch, which might mean that the needle on your hard drive has to jump around a bit, making it take longer.

it might also be anticipation. as you are more excited due to your game being nearly ready your brain is tricked into considering the events going on as important. this actually changes your perception of time, making it appear to pass more slowly than normal.

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