eli5:Why is fish supposedly better at thehigh end market, doesn’t it all come from the same fishermen?


eli5:Why is fish supposedly better at thehigh end market, doesn’t it all come from the same fishermen?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A high end market that attracts wealthier customers may charge higher prices. That means they have more money to buy fish with. The fishermen will try to sell their catch at the highest price possible; that means that if they can sell their biggest, best fish to the buyers from the high end market, they will do so. The buyers from the regular market won’t be able to match the other buyer’s prices, and then must buy the lower quality fish.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just like there are grades of beef, there are grades of fish. The higher the grade the better the quality. So yes they do come from the same fishermen but some have better quality.