Eli5:why there is no permanent cure for ADHD?


Could long term use of meds actually restore your brain to work like a NT brain?

In: Chemistry

6 Answers

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> Could long term use of meds actually restore your brain to work like a NT brain?

You can’t “restore” your brain to something that it never was.

ADHD, like autism, is a developmental disorder. It affects the way the brain and therefore the person developers in the first place. It’s not something that’s added on top of an otherwise neurotypical brain. You can’t take away the ADHD and expect there to be a normally functioning person left–the ADHD is part of who that person is and how they think. Get rid of the ADHD, it’s not the same person anymore.

Medicine can help with the more troubling symptoms but ADHD isn’t just the symptoms. You can’t cure the way a person thinks.

Even if you get rid of the most obvious symptoms, that’s still a person who’s lived with ADHD and the affects of it their entire life and those effects are still going to show. They’re not going to be neurotypical–which, incidentally, is fine. Being neurodivergent isn’t a bad thing. ADHD is not an inherently harmful thing, the reason it’s a disability is because of society’s failure to accommodate people with ADHD, and largely not because of anything inherent to the condition itself.

With ADHD and autism, it’s not that we haven’t worked out how to make a cure, it’s that the whole idea of a cure is incompatible with what the condition actually is.

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