ELIF: how is time relative?


ELIF: how is time relative?

In: Physics

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know.. it all seems kinda off to me. Time dilation dictates that because of higher gravetational forces, the core of the earth is two years younger than the crust. But their both the same age. All gravity seems to do in my mind if affect rate of change, movement and reaction. Time is just a concept born of perception. It to me is a fixed dimension. It is always now, universally, everywhere. If you approached a time dilation phenomenon, then it exists in the same “time frame” as we do. But go inside it and your in the past or future (depending on which way you swing the gravity, higher slower, less future?) So now you have have mass and energy existing in two time lines at once, doubling matter and energy, and existing simultaneously in one overall timeline. Bs. The only thing that changes is perception, rate of change by way of movement or reaction.
I also am no genius, and am surely wrong and confused, but it’s what makes sense to me.. and it doesn’t matter a lick to my life if I have it wrong or right.

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