ELIF the difference between smoke and vapor.


ELIF the difference between smoke and vapor.

In: Chemistry

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

None of the other definitions of vapour are correct here (so far). A vapour is a substance in the gaseous state but below its critical temperature.

The definition of critical temperature is the temperature above which a substance cannot be returned to the liquid phase by application of pressure.

This means that I can heat a substance, water for example, and I can turn it into a gaseous substance (steam) but this is still a vapour – not a gas. With application of enough pressure, i can return the steam to the liquid phase, even at temperatures above 100C.

However, above a temperature of 374C (the critical temperature of water), application of pressure will *_never_* return steam to the liquid phase. For this reason, at this temperature and above, steam is truly a gas and not a vapour.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smoke is a product of combustion, vape is a product of boiling.

If you smoke a cigarette or a joint, you burn the leaf.

If you vape nicotine, crack, meth or hash, the chemical vaporizes, rather than burns.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When something is burnt you get smoke
When something gets evaporated you get vapor

Burning is a chemical process. It involves oxygen and other constituents reacting with each other and forming new material(s).
Evaporation is a simple physical process where the liquid material gets converted to its gaseous form. No reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smoke comes from a burning fire. It’s smell latches on to anything porous that was near it. Smoke indoors also leaves residue.

Vapor is closer to steam from a heated liquid source. It’s smell dissipates quickly and does not embed in nearby objects. Vapor indoors won’t leave residue but in extreme situations could create a dampness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A vapor is a gas, the evaporation of a liquid. Smoke is a mix of solid particles in a gas, for example burnt particles in hot air. There is also a mist, which is liquid particles in a gas, like clouds or … mist.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One is tiny pieces of burnt material (smoke), the other is a gas form of a liquid that’s been heated until is steam (vapor).