Entropy, please oh god please.


I have read COUNTLESS explanations, countless examples, countless ELI5s. But I still have no fucking idea what entropy is. I’m **not** leaving this earth before I understand what it is. Thank you.

In: Physics

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Entropy basically means “time goes forward” or “what is done cannot be undone”

Maybe that’s too simplistic, let me try again.

Ok, you know your big brother who’s a teenager? Yes, I love him too. Do you remember how on Saturday his room was all tidy? But as time goes on it slowly gets messier? If we left it alone long enough it would just be chaos in there, a meaningless arrangement of all his stuff.

That’s sorta like entropy, where over time any closed system tends towards chaos.

What’s that you say? His room doesn’t just get more messy? That’s right, because your mom or I make him clean up once in a while. You could think of our intervention as external energy being applied to the system.

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