Entropy, please oh god please.


I have read COUNTLESS explanations, countless examples, countless ELI5s. But I still have no fucking idea what entropy is. I’m **not** leaving this earth before I understand what it is. Thank you.

In: Physics

16 Answers

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Entropy refers to disorder/energy the higher the entropy the greater the disorder. A big thing to remember is that our definition of chaos and order is different than the thermodynamics definition to us order is everything being even but to thermodynamics it’s everything being concentrated on one point. Everything moves towards disorder but it all wants to be the same level of disorder.

Think about a glass of water that’s all the same temperature at room temp it has a state of high entropy it is disorder. But if you drop an ice cube in the cup all the difference in temperature is organized and consolidated into one point and therefore has low entropy and is orderly but since all things move to disorder eventually the ice will melt and given enough time all the water will be the same temperature and eventually the temperature would seep into the air making the water room temperature making it high entropy.

Basically the universe likes stuff to be the same

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