Everybody says that the brain isn’t done developing until age 25. So what actually happens to your brain between the end of puberty and age 25?


Everybody says that the brain isn’t done developing until age 25. So what actually happens to your brain between the end of puberty and age 25?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of the connections formed are in the prefrontal cortex which governs, most importantly, impulse control. So if you do something to prevent it from growing properly you get stuck with the impulse control of a teenager.

So for instance you know that alcoholic or pothead you know that’s been using since 14 and it “never hurt them any” but they can’t seem to pay rent consistently or hold down a job for more than six months and they just swear it’s because they have bad luck and/or the whole world is against them?

It hurt them alright.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Neurons are clipped. We have too many of them. That’s why teenagers are impulsive. How the brain knows which ones to clip is beyond me. But toward the end it’s a pruning process.