exothermic and endothermic reactions. I honestly dont get it at all. I looked it up and still couldn’t find a clear answer for me.


exothermic and endothermic reactions. I honestly dont get it at all. I looked it up and still couldn’t find a clear answer for me.

In: Chemistry

7 Answers

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Endothermic reactions have an energy deficit when reaction occurs. This needed energy is typically stolen from heat in the environment.

Exothermic reactions have an energy excess when the reaction occurs. This energy is typically expended as heat.

Why is there a deficit or excess? When we break electron bonds, it creates energy. And vice versa, creating electron bonds cost energy. Not all bonds are created equal so different bonds will have different energies relating to it. These bonds are typically characterizes by the molecules bonding. (H-H, C-H,C-C, etc)

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