Fighter Aircraft.


Specifically US based fighter aircraft; why do we skip numbers? I mean we went from the F-14 , F-16, (no F-17?) F-18, then jumped from that to the F-22 and the YF-23 and now the F-35. I assumed it was a generational thing at first then I thought, “What about the F-117 Nighthawk and the SR 71 Blackbird…?”

Edit: Thank you all for your quick replies, it was a conversation topic that popped up at my job and figured I’d ask the fine folks here who are more versed in this sort of thing.

Also…I know the SR-71 isn’t a fighter and was used for recon missions. -_-

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are many sequential F aircraft, as noted on wiki:

There are also some that were specifically non-sequential, like the F-117 and F-35. The SR-71 is a reconnaissance application of the B-71 bomber (which never made it to production); it kept the numbering to reflect the developmental ties.

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