Film is rearranged metal particles on tape which are read by an electromagnet. CDs are discs with burned pits in them which are read by a laser. What makes one analog and one digital?


Film is rearranged metal particles on tape which are read by an electromagnet. CDs are discs with burned pits in them which are read by a laser. What makes one analog and one digital?

In: Technology

11 Answers

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It’s all about the encoding.

In a magnetic tape, the strength of the magnetic field is directly related to the strength of the sound – so to play it, all you have to do, is turn it into electricity, multiply it by the volume, and turn it into sound. The magnetic field is a direct analog to the sound produced.

By contrast, a digital signal is encoded. It’s basically a series of numbers, and the strength of the digital signal has nothing to do with the strength of the sound produced – as long as it’s strong enough to be understood, the system will work. So, to produce sound, the computer reads the signal, calculates the sound represented by the signal, and directs a DAC (digital-to-analog converter), to produce a sequence of voltages analogous to the sound.

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