Film is rearranged metal particles on tape which are read by an electromagnet. CDs are discs with burned pits in them which are read by a laser. What makes one analog and one digital?


Film is rearranged metal particles on tape which are read by an electromagnet. CDs are discs with burned pits in them which are read by a laser. What makes one analog and one digital?

In: Technology

11 Answers

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For the record you can do analog CDs. Video Disc – the old standard with disc as big as vinyl records – were analog recordings. The laser’s reflection would vary in intensity to make the analog signal.

Making CDs digital was a conscious decision. That video disc is subject to gradual degradation with damage from handling, the effects of time and environment, etc. CDs are digital – there’s less confusion about whether something is a 0 or a 1 without significant physical damage. Furthermore being digital we can use math to repair some damage. CDs include error correction codes allowing a few confusing or erroneous bits to be identified and reconstructed.

As such, CD audio is generally always perfect, or is permanently and unquestionably damaged. As opposed to somehow degraded, like muffling or such.

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