Film vs digital cameras


I kind of have an understanding about film camera, but for some reason I cannot wrap my head around how digital cameras work. From a mechanical and engineering standpoint, what is the actual difference between how the two operate?

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6 Answers

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In regards to how the light enters the camera and reaches the light sensitive film/sensor there is no difference between how digital and film cameras work.

The only real difference is a digital camera has a light sensor instead of light sensitive film.

A digital sensor has an array of light sensitive photosites. When the shutter is open these count the photons falling on them. The more photons the brighter that pixel will be in the resultant image. The photosites are covered in a colour filter. Each individual photosite receives red, green, or blue light depending on the colour of the filter above it. The software that converts the recorded signal into a picture uses clever maths to produce a full colour image at each pixel.

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