forwarded emails


I feel so stupid asking this but for context, I was sent an email about an upcoming event. I thought someone I know would be interested so I forwarded the email to her.
I later contacted the original sender about a different topic within that email thread and replied only to him. He responded only to me. Will the person who I forwarded the original email to see the follow ups?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer: no.

Long answer: The term “forward” in this context was originally co-opted by E-Mail from terms in the paper postal service. There used to be businesses, called forwarding agents, who would receive mail for you and then send it to you for a fee either monthly/yearly or per letter; the idea being you would send out letters with a return address of a forwarding agent, and that let you send letters without giving out your real address.

In e-mail, all forwarding does functionally is create a new e-mail and then automatically copy-paste in the forwarded e-mail’s contents, and add some formatting like the “begin forwarded e-mail” or the FWD: (original subject line) in the subject, and it gets sent only to the new recipient.

In essence, you are acting like the forwarding agent in this regard, taking the letter and passing it on to the unknown (to the person who wrote the e-mail that got forwarded) third party.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Forwarding an email is just sending a new one with the old one’s content dumped in with the new header.