From a purely consumer/user perspective, what is the better choice when choosing between the same appliance that is available in 110v & 220v models?


Most of the answers to this question that I’ve searched for here and on google get into a lot of technical stuff, intended more for people who are building electronics. I want to understand – from a consumer perspective, someone looking to purchase whichever model is best for them – the pro’s & cons, and if there’s any particular reason to choose 100v over 220v when given the option, for something like a house fan.

In that context – a house fan for example – would the 110v model be less strong/effective than the 220v model?

Is there anything important to note if buying from a bargain site vs. a well known tech company?


In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on which country you live. Most countries use 220v but if you are living in the usa, get the 100v. If you’re wondering why usa uses 110v, one of the main reasons is because usa has built a large network for 110v when 220v was invented and would be costly to convert all lines so they opted to stay with 110v unlike the UK, they first built 110v lines but their network was still fairly small so they had the opportunity to change lines.

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