From the point of view of a photon, is the universe a dimensionless point?


From the pov of a photon travelling at the speed of light, no time elapses from the moment it emits from the sun and absorbs in my eyeball. This is true also of all photons going all directions off the sun. This implies there is no distance either, for the photon, in any direction. So does this imply that from the point of view of a photon, is it’s universe a single dimensionless point? That is, for a photon, is it existing in a pre-big bang universe? And further, since there is at least one photon, surely there isn’t space for more than one …. And since it’s the same universe we occupy with that one photon (viewed through differing points of view), is all light that one photon, possibly superimposed countless times?

In: 1107

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s suppose there is a point of view of a photon, or “ride a beam of light” as Einstein dreamed

Then, from this point of view, a photon traveling next to us in the same direction is going to be static, just like two cars on an interstate going at the speed limit.

We just broke one of our fundamental physical laws: from our point of view, there is light stationary

So, speaking about what a photon perceives requires ignoring laws we have proven millions of times

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