Gaullism and “The Gaullism Myth”


I have read the wiki page and read a few articles but I still cant wrap my head around what this ism exactly means. I understand that it is a very specific thing during a specific time and maybe that’s why I am having trouble.

In: Economics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gaullism is something of a French version of the “America First” ideology; we’re different and special, and we need to be strong to make sure we have the power to protect our interests in the world. It’s not really a fleshed out ideology, and is more akin to Patriotism: the political party mixed with a healthy dose of WWdGD (what would de Gaulle do?).

The “Gaullist Myth” is about how Charles de Gaulle was turned into a larger than life hero after the war, sorta the way Americans view Washington.

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