Hawking radiation


Hawking radiation

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3 Answers

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Ah hawking radiation. Where classical and quantum physics meet in the weirdness of black holes to form some unholy offspring.

So space is a vacuum. We say that theres nothing in it. However, there’s something called the Heisenberg uncertainty principal which I call the “nothing is true, everything is permitted” rule from quantum physics. This states that the vacuum isn’t truly empty, instead it has an anti particle and a particle which spontaneously appear and then destroy each other over an absurdly short amount of time.

That is true everywhere but in normal regions of space this makes absolutely no difference. A black hole is pretty extremely far from a normal region of space though. What happens there is the particle and anti particle are created near the event horizon but one falls over the horizon into the black hole. This leaves the other to escape and become a real particle radiating away from the black hole – Hawking radiation.

TLDR: quantum physics is weird and vacuums aren’t empty.

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