Homeotic genes VS Hox genes VS and homeobox sequences


Homeotic genes VS Hox genes VS and homeobox sequences

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Homeotic genes are a type of genes that are expressed in a developing embryo that can cause that tissue to develop into some structure. They produce proteins that are “master regulators” that are capable of activating a bunch of other genes. They are transcription factors. They bind to DNA sequences and switch other genes on.

the homeobox sequence is part of the gene, it codes for a homeobox domain which is the part of the protein that binds to the DNA. Each homeotic gene has a slightly different homeobox sequence, which allows it to recognize a specific DNA sequence. Lots of homeotic genes have homeobox sequences, but some use other sequences that perform a similar function.

Hox genes are one group of homeotic genes, which have a homeobox sequence. But there a bunch of other homeotic genes which also have homeobox sequences.