Hormone triggers are responsible for burning fat, right? Why aren’t there drugs that exploit and supercharge this process?

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Proper exercise is hard to come by, when your back is basically broken. I want to pop some Notbuprofen and feel the burn as the pounds melt away.

In theory, a drug that stimulates the hormones that demand the burning of fat *should* be possible. Why isn’t it, and/or why has no one made this yet?

In: Biology

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called speed, and diet pills used to contain it.

It has some undesired side effects though.

It’s usually better to suppress appetite than to supercharge your metabolism.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fat doesn’t actually get burned unless you expend energy. 

In order to lose weight energy out always needs to be greater than energy in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body produces specific amounts of hormones for a reason. When there are major imbalances in those hormones, unexpected things tend to happen, many of them are negative. Introducing these hormones to burn fat may help you lose weight, sure, but it could cause complications and major problems alongside that weight loss.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because appetite suppressors and things that slow or prevent absorption make more sense.

Messing with certain hormones is a bigger deal, as those hormones tend to do more than one thing at a time.

Also, you can’t just magically burn fat. The energy from it has to go somewhere. If you were super fat, and started burning fat while still not doing exercise, it means your body is running processes to burn that energy. It would probably make you heat up a lot, or make your jittery, or some other side effect.

So, just making something that stops the extra calories from going into your body in the first place just works better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a myth that exercise is a major part of weight loss and management. It is important for health and function, but it is only a minor factor if your goal is losing weight.

Diet management is the major factor, specifically calorie management

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a drug called dinitrophenol that uncouples the electron transport chain – so the body makes energy but does not store it. The energy turns into heat, and can kill you by driving your body temperature too high.  

Easy isnt always safe. 

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are about a metric fuckload of hormones responsible for burning fat, and with a lot of hormones, and with a lot of the hormones necessary for day to day basic function when you have elevated levels the body just adapts to the higher level to return to normal function and stops naturally producing it.

So trying this has 99.99% chance of fucking your body up for life and a very slim chance of even working right

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because hormones have a lot of effect, some of which you definitely do not want to increase. And even if the direct effect of the hormone aren’t an issue, it might interact with other hormone and potentially cause dangerous side effect.

For example, Glucagon is the hormone responsible for taking sugar out of storage (Including fat) and putting it in the blood and hyperglycemia doesn’t even have any serious short term effect. So you might think that giving extra glucagon or increasing its production could help to eliminate these sugar right ?

Wrong. The excess sugar in the blood will cause the body the produce extra Insulin to keep the blood sugar level in check. At first it might simply counteract the effect of the extra Glucagon, but once its level return to normal, the extra Insulin will make the blood sugar drop extremely fast potentially leading to hypoglycemia which is extremely dangerous and potentially fatal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am on one right now. Anti-depressant for seasonal depression that seems to raise my metabolism. It feels terrible. Sweat like crazy, body feels like a furnace, and literally raised core body temperature by 1 degree C. That lasted like 2 weeks and made me lost 3-4 lbs. Not a good thing

But if you enjoy the feeling of anxiety then go for it. There are always side effects to everything to every drug.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are many drugs that stimulate this process. Notably, anabolic steroids very strongly promote body fat loss. There are also drugs like clenbuterol that boost your metabolic rate. In general though, your body runs the way it does for a reason, and chemical intervention typically comes with side effects.