Hot water running out?


So I live in northern Europe in an apartment and I’ve never had a problem or even head of people in my country having the hot water run out, so how does it do that? I guess in a house you have a water heater but doesn’t it just automatically heat up more water.

I hear this in a lot of tv shows and movies that’s now found out about this phenomenon

know it sounds stupid lol but I cant stop thinking about this

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A water heater is typically just a large tank filled with water, that has some kind of heat source embedded in it.

When you take a shower, some perfectly normal, fresh, cold water is added to the tank. And that cold water will, of course, chill down the hot water depot. So the second that happens, the heater turns on in the tank.

The heater is, however, not powerful enough to keep up with the water consumption of a shower. Which is why you need the “head start” of a already filled and preheated tank full of hot water; take a long enough shower, and the tank will eventually be filled with nothing but cold water. And that’ll be what you get in the shower as well. Cold water. Because you’ve ran out of hot water.

A few hours later, the tank is heated up to its intended temperature again. And you can again take a hot shower.

The trick is 100% about installing a hot water boiler with a tank that is large enough that it holds enough hot water to absolutely and certainly not run out with typical household use.

I’m my house, that number is two hours. Two hours showering, and I get nothing but cold water. Good thing it never happens with typical use…

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