How a bug does not explode when swatted…


As the title says this is something that constantly is in my head… When I swat a bug with my hand and it still has the ability to fly away, why is that.


Cause if we take the same proportions and have a giant hand of same size compared to my hand vs the bug and hit me at the speed that I would swat a bug… I would most definitely explode and or die immediately on impact, no?


I like to imagine the titans from Attack on Titan, but you get the gist. If something of the same proportions of my hand to a fly, how would it not get obliterated?


Surely this is something someone has investigated and or thought about..

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Say you run into a wall. The reason it hurts is because the back of your body’s still moving forward and squishes your front into the wall.

A bug is much much smaller than you and experiences much less of this squishing.

As a bonus, the hand carries air with it which slows the bug relative to the hand before impact.

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