How a seed knows to grow up toward sunlight when it’s under a pile of dirt.


How a seed knows to grow up toward sunlight when it’s under a pile of dirt.

In: Earth Science

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gravity actually. There are a number of cells in a growing plant that work by sending which side of the cell heavier particles collect at. Then it just goes up which is usually the direction of the sun if haven’t put your seed in a centrifuge.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plants grow upwards because they’re trying to get to the light to begin photosynthesis, but mostly germinate underground where there’s little light to follow. And so, the plants actually use gravity to tell it which way is up. They will grow upwards even in complete darkness.,there’s%20little%20light%20to%20follow.&text=So%2C%20they%20sink%20due%20to,which%20way%20gravity%20is%20acting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gravity; it grows against the pull of gravity, which just happens to be towards the sunlight –