how a surveyor determines where property lines are at


How do surveyors determine where a property line is at when they get to a new property? Do they just use landmarks like trees and drive ways to determine the property line? What’s the difference between me taking a few wooden stakes and orange flags and just saying that’s my property line opposed to an official surveyor?

I imagine there is a process they go through to determine the exact measurements of the property but what is it?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Indian here. I can answer this based on the experience I’ve collected with my dad surveying and marking plots.

Here in India, any land is categorised between two types
Agricultural and Non Agricultural
So talking about Property lines, The Agricultural Land is usually broken down into various Plots by a surveyor and its printed on a map.

Stone Markings at each corner of a plot are kept when the Agricultural Land is converted into a Non Agricultural Land.
This is what happened in the past.

Now if you have acquired a property, by law you have to immediately set up a boundary wall around it.

Let’s say you haven’t built a boundary wall around it and now you’re stuck in a huge open field with nothing to rely on.

That’s where those Stone Markings come in.

The Map submitted by the surveyor provides you different sizes of plots and the lengths of the road surrounding the area.

So if you happen to know the distance between the road and the point your property line starts. You can actually find your property lines using basic surveying methods.

And if you’re not so unlucky and someone has already built a boundary or a house near your property
You can always take a reference from that Property.

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