How adrenaline can change our perception of time


How adrenaline can change our perception of time

In: 204

8 Answers

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Imagine a movie clip where it’s running at 30 frames per second. Adrenaline let’s say makes it jump up to 60 fps. We wouldnt see the change in real time on a real video but our mind actually starts to see the extra frames. It takes a microsecond for each frame to be processed so to a count for this your perception of time speeds up giving the illusion of time slowing down. This is to give extra seconds of thinking about what to do.
The other side is when adrenaline makes you skip moments instead. This is the running, fleeing, or escaping side. Each moment doesn’t need to be fully processed. Just the path or the progression of an action. This makes time seem to speed up.

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