how an umbilical cord supplies nutrients to a baby through its abdomen and how this connection is severed the day of birth?


how an umbilical cord supplies nutrients to a baby through its abdomen and how this connection is severed the day of birth?

In: 23

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The umbilical cord is connected to the placenta. The placenta is connected to the mothers circulatory system. The placenta leeches nutrients from the mother’s circulatory system (blood) and supplies these to the fetus via the umbilical cord. This blood goes in through the belly button of the baby, to the heart and the liver. This is useful because the baby can’t eat yet so it needs these nutrients to grow. As soon as its born, the connection is physically severed by the cutting of the cord. But if you don’t cut the cord, it falls off due to it being futile at this point, because the baby can eat and make its own oxygen. Hope that helped

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