How and why did horse domestication become a thing? Was it before or after people learned to ride them? And most specifically how did humans decide that was a thing/point of travel/ good idea?


I’ve searched in this forum and really couldn’t pinpoint an answer. My gut tells me it might have been a side thought after being able to farm and harvest crops, or maybe even domesticate smaller animals. But from what I picture in movies and tv shows, it seems like we were riding horses before any kind of domestication. I greatly appreciate any foresight into this, or sources I can look up to read into further. TIA so much for your insight and time!

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

On a side note, plant and animal domestication is probably a lot older than you think. We domesticated dogs about 15k years BCE and cattle 10k. Evidence of horse domestication is relatively recent at 5K or later.

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