How and why does the keto diet work?


How and why does the keto diet work?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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The keto diet works two-fold really. On one part it causes you to burn fat instead of carbs and glycogen (stored glucose). Keto is nice because you need energy all the time and that energy comes from excess fat stores on you. That’s an obvious loss. The second form is that keto suppresses hormones that stimulate hunger. Doing this leads to feeling full quicker when you do eat and not feeling that urge to eat when you are hungry. Fat is also harder to digest and costs more energy to use versus carbs (glucose). See, keto takes away your ability to eat empty carbs and that plays a big role in why you lose weight. You suddenly stop drinking soda and eating chips and other non-filling foods because you can’t if you want to stay on the diet. Considering a soda can be like 250 calories and you don’t drink them anymore you are cutting out 250 to 500 calories a day. That’s a big deal. I did keto for a few months to see what it was like and lose around 20lbs I wanted gone. I felt awake and alert. My upset stomach quit after a month. I slept better. I was in a better mood. I could eat a meal and not get tired after I was done. My exercise routine felt cleaner and like I was dialed in when I was doing it. All these things persisted even after the weight was done and I stayed on it. I do low carb now and still feel just as good.

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