– How are airplane black boxes made “crash proof”


Pretty much title. I’ve always wondered how those things can withstand massive crashes and explosions and still be reliable to retrieve recordings from.

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10 Answers

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Well, for one, they aren’t puny humies

The main reason crashes are dangerous is because of the way your body is put together

You are a leather sack of jello, with a whole lotta brittle pokey bits, and if that sack (your body) comes to a sudden stop, the jello (organs) keeps moving.

That means organs smack up against your bones, brains get bruised, lungs get pierced by ribs, a whole lotta fun.

Unalike your body, we can design a black box to not have those problems

The thing is basically just a solid brick steel. The computer bits are all encased in insulation so that nothing melts, and nothing can smack against the metal walls.

That said, it still can be destroyed. It’s just a hard to do.

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