How are all the Abrahamic Religions related to each other?


How are all the Abrahamic Religions related to each other?

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8 Answers

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(Full disclosure: Not a historian and phone posting. Corrective comments welcome)

Christianity and modern Judaism are both offshoots of Second Temple Judaism if the first century which wasn’t what either of them are today. Some scholars have even made the argument that Christianity is descended from remnants of *First* Temple Judaism that survived out in the sticks (like Galilee) after the second temple reforms. All these trace themselves back to the Abraham in the Torah

Mohammed in his pre-prophet days was a merchant and would have come into contact with both Christians and Jews in his travels. When he had his visions, he initially took it took mean he should bring Judaism to the Arabs. Initially, the Muslim holy day was Saturday and they prayed towards Jerusalem. It changed to Friday and Mecca after Jewish communities rejected him. It has shades of the Jews rejecting Jesus, but even if it’s fictional it’s why Islam claims descent from Abraham.

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