How are big events (concerts, festivals) with hundreds of organizers organized? How come it doesn’t fall apart?


I’ve been to a few events where there was a large amount of staff. I understand that it’s some kind of a hiearchy and divide and conquer kind of principle, but I’ve never understood how is it possible to solve problems on the go in such a large group of people. Sometimes it feels really fragile and as if it was just pure luck that the event had been without problems. How does it work? How is it organized?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like everything else. Someone is in charge of each part of the puzzle, and someone above that is in charge of when things involve multiple pieces.

It’s no different from any business. Everyone just does their job and other people manage and supervise.

It’s not like there’s no boss, no plan, just put out fires.

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