How are buildings like skyscrapers in the middle of cities demolished without hitting surrounding structures?


How are buildings like skyscrapers in the middle of cities demolished without hitting surrounding structures?

In: 2

5 Answers

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you have currently 2 methods for this:

Controlled detonation: this is where you have thru a carefully setup sequence thebuilding collapsing on itself in stages(you can do this on the whole thing at once else its no longer controllable as the lower levels breakapart from the sheer weight and blow the debris outwards.) you basically want the upper floors ot collapse in order towards the floor directly below them.

Deconstruction: where the 1st option isnt ffeasable you have teams essentitally reversing the buildining process, this is singificantly costlier and slower but as an upside you can end up with recoverable materials.

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