How are coloured shadows formed?


As straight forward as that, how and why are coloured shadows formed?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

* Colored light is just light that has been filtered in some way.
* Most of the filtered light we are used to is light that is reflected off a surface.
* The surface absorbs some of the light and reflects the rest. This effectively filters it.
* The other way we see filtered light is when light passes through a substance.
* The substance absorbs some of it and lets the rest pass through again acting as a filter.
* This creates what OP is calling “colored shadows”.
* For example a red stained glass window.
* White light hits the glass and all the colors except red are absorbed by the glass.
* So some red light reflects off the glass but also some red light passes through the back of it.
* It looks like it casts a shadow because it’s the same shape and position that an actual shadow would have but it’s not a shadow because it’s made of light instead of the absence of light.

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